Hand in Hand Program Volunteers Needed

Island Health are looking for volunteers aged 21+, who are willing to contribute their time, skills, and energy to the Hand in Hand program.

Hand in Hand offers caring, personalized, and confidential 1:1 peer support to anyone fourteen years or older who wants to recover from an eating disorder.

As a volunteer, you should understand what it is to suffer from an eating disorder and what it might take to get to the other side. We are looking for those recovered from an eating disorder or loved ones of those with lived experience with an eating disorder. The program requires people to be eating disorder symptom free for two years.

Training includes eating disorder education, providing non-clinical support, anxiety and triggers, self-harm and self-care

Regular, confidential, empathetic encouragement and support from a caring person can be a crucial missing piece for those who are reaching out for help for the first time, whether they are on wait lists for treatment, receiving treatment but need additional support, and/or are well into their recovery but need help with relapse management.

Hand in Hand volunteers provide this compassion via regular (usually weekly) 60-90 minute conversations in person or via Skype.

If you are interested in becoming a trained volunteer, please contact [email protected] with the following information:

• Name
• Age
• Location/city
• Phone number
• Would you like to tell us anything about yourself and your interest in eating disorders?

For more information visit the Island Health website at:

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