Posting under the name of your organization

When you add a new post to this website, it appears under your personal name. But, if you represent an organization or group, you may want the post to appear under the name of the organization, instead of your personal name. You may also want to allow multiple people to post under the name of your organization.

This can be done using the TEAM feature.  

Here is how to use the TEAM feature ...

1.  The TEAM feature can be added to your member account for a small fee. Contact us to enable it for you. We will create a new membership account under the name of your group or organization and give you the login to this account so that you can manage it.

2.  Once the TEAM feature is enabled, you can designate any other member(s) to be added to your TEAM.  Teammates must first create personal accounts on this website before they can be added to your TEAM (direct them to click the SIGN UP link). You must contact us to request that members be added to, or removed from, your TEAM.

3.  Members added to your TEAM will be able to post under the name of your organization (as well as under their personal names). This option will appear under ADVANCED section at the very bottom of the NEW POST form.

4.  COMMENTS, LIKES, and DISLIKES will be posted under the member's PERSONAL NAME, which means that your teammates cannot post such items under the name of your organization.  To post COMMENTS, LIKES, and DISLIKES under the name of your organization, you must log in to the membership account for your organization.

Note that you can still post information about your organization using your personal name. The TEAM feature is useful if you do not want your personal name to appear with the post.


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